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Children’s Hospital Foundation funds cutting-edge equipment, vital research and on the ground support for kids with all illnesses, injuries and conditions, throughout Queensland and northern New South Wales.

We identify and action gaps in funding and support right across the kids’ health landscape – the places left lacking but no less deserving.

Sometimes these gaps can appear small, filled by acts of kindness or compassion – a helping hand, a knowing smile or a place to play during a hospital stay.

Other times they are large, bridged only by championing world-class care and treatment and breakthroughs in research and technology.

Regardless of the scale of the task we face, we task ourselves to face it.

From the suburbs to the cities, rural, regional and remote, we help all kids, not just some. The many, not the few.

Here to be the difference every kid deserves.

Our History

In 1985, the Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation was established for the express purpose of raising funds for the benefit of sick kids in Queensland.  Over 35 years later the Foundation still exists for that purpose.  There have been a few changes, including the name, during that time but the essence of why we are here remains the same.

Our Strategic Plan

Our Strategic Plan is developed in line with our values and our commitment to respect, protect and promote human rights in our decision-making and actions.

It supports our vision, that every child has every chance to thrive.

We’re here to be the difference they need, and the difference they want.

Lachlan's story

Lachlan was born with chronic kidney disease and at just four months old, he went into end stage renal failure.

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Lachlan's story

Evie's story

Evie was born with cystic fibrosis – a life threatening disorder that will likely require her to undergo a lung transplant in the future.

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Evie's story

Lachy's story

At an early age Lachy was diagnosed with bronchiectasis and tracheobronchomalacia.

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Lachy's story

Patrick’s story

Born with multiple joint deformities, five-year-old Patrick has undergone ongoing plaster casting of his torso and legs since birth.

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Patrick’s story

Ash's story

In January 2022 , four-year-old Ash was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. His treatment will continue until April 2024.

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Ash's story

Eloise's story

Eloise was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma – a very rare type of cancer that forms in the soft tissue. Treatments included 16 months of surgeries, scans, chemotherapy and radiation.

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Eloise's story

Jonathan's story

Jonathan had a rocky start to life, after being diagnosed with hypoplastic left heart syndrome within three days of being born.

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Jonathan's story

Isaac's story

Isaac was diagnosed with brain cancer at only four-months-old. His tumour is inoperable, but he underwent treatment to shrink the tumour.

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Isaac's story

Mahalia's story

At just 13 weeks old, Mahalia was diagnosed with a rare condition – Chromosome 22 microduplication syndrome. With little information available the family have faced a journey into the unknown.

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Mahalia's story

Raf's story

Nine-year-old Raf is currently receiving treatment for Stage 4 Neuroblastoma - including multiple stem cell transplants – a life changing immunotherapy – to treat his cancer.

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Raf's story

Halle's story

At just four and a half months old, Halle was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia.

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Halle's story

Harley's story

Harley was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, one of the most rarest and severe heart defects.

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Harley's story

Rowan's story

Rowan is living with an acquired brain injury after he was injured during a motorcross event at seven-years-old.

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Rowan's story

Ava's story

Just a month shy of her eighth birthday, Ava was diagnosed with stage four neuroblastoma. She was given just a 50 percent chance of survival.

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Ava's story

Clayton's story

Diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy when he was only one year old, Clayton went into end stage heart failure at just thirteen.

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Clayton's story

Sarah's story

Seventeen-year-old Sarah was diagnosed with clear cell sarcoma in her knee following an emergency department admission.

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Sarah's story

Tiana's story

In March 2022, Tiana was diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma – a rare cancer of the bone or soft tissue.

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Tiana's story

Together we can be the difference every kid deserves.

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