Lachlan's Story | Children's Hospital Foundation Skip to Navigation Skip to Content

How music is a tide turning difference for kids like Lachlan

Devastating diagnosis

On the outside Lachlan looks like a happy, healthy boy, but behind the smiles and giggles he faces an ongoing and life-threatening battle. Lachlan was born with chronic kidney disease and at just four months old, he went into end stage renal failure. Lachlan’s parents, Rebecca and Brett, were terrified. The family were plunged into a world they didn’t understand and started on a journey with no destination. While eagerly awaiting the arrival of their third child, it never crossed their minds that their baby would be born with such severe health problems – let alone considered that providing life saving treatment to their new baby, at home, would become a part of their daily routine.

Music to their ears

The severity of Lachlan’s condition means he will need a kidney transplant in the future. But due to his condition he struggles to gain weight, so waiting for him to reach the magic 10kg to be eligible for transplant is agonisingly slow for the family.

He currently receives regular dialysis, and makes frequent trips to the hospital for monitoring. Sometimes these trips are quick and easy, and finish with a fun visit to Kidzone. Other times, he can go from an outpatient to an inpatient in a matter of hours. With every admission comes more tests and treatments, which can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful for little Lachlan.

One of Lachlan’s favourite things to do is listen to music, so when the Children’s Hospital Foundation introduced the family to music therapy early on in Lachlan’s treatment, it was a dream come true. Music therapy has made the hospital a much less daunting place to visit and helped ease Lachlan’s anxiety, providing a distraction during procedures.

The difference music makes

Thanks to our supporters, we have funded music therapy programs at Queensland Children’s Hospital for over 25 years to help kids with all illnesses, injuries and conditions on their road to recovery – one of Australia’s largest music programs.

Lachlan doesn’t know a life that doesn’t revolve around treatment and hospital visits. His parents have hope for a better future, but for now, they remain in awe of his resilience and ability to take everything in his stride, with a smile on his face. They are forever grateful that the Children’s Hospital Foundation have been by their side from the very beginning – the difference the whole family needs.