The Children’s Hospital Foundation’s vision for reconciliation is for happy, healthy kids, whilst contributing to a culturally safe and brighter future for all children.
Through supporting Children’s Health Queensland and embedding our values of awareness, acknowledgement and respect of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their cultures within our organisation, Children’s Hospital Foundation will contribute towards a fair, equitable and inclusive Australia.
Innovate RAP
This Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) reinforces our ongoing commitment to reconciliation and marks the next step in our journey following on from our first Reflect RAP launched in 2019. Building on the strong foundation we have in place across the organisation, our Innovate RAP is focused on developing and strengthening relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, engaging staff and stakeholders in reconciliation, and developing innovative strategies to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
The development of our Innovate RAP has been a collaboration of all departments across the organisation, including patient and family support teams, grants and marcomms teams, and people and culture. This is not a standalone plan, but an integral part of our organisation’s overall strategy which has been widely adopted and supported across the entire organisation.

Reflect RAP
The Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) prepared the organisation for reconciliation initiatives in future RAPs. The commitment to this RAP allowed us to scope and develop relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders, decide on our vision for reconciliation and explore our sphere of influence.
The development and ongoing commitment of this plan is one that every member of the Children’s Hospital Foundation has wholeheartedly embraced, confirming that reconciliation is something everyone can and should contribute towards. We are incredibly proud of this initial RAP, which reflects on the important role we play in reconciliation and how the organisation can make a broader contribution to the reconciliation of the nation.

The Artwork
The RAP artwork has been created by Shara Delaney, a Nunagal, Goenbal and Ngugi woman from Quandamooka Country known as the Moreton Bay region. Shara is the artist in residence for Snap Underwood.
The meaning behind the design is to highlight the history and commitment of the Children’s Hospital Foundation for reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families.
The main circle is the community and people coming together.
The green background represents how far our services go to help the patients, from urban to rural areas.
About the Artwork Motif
The ‘U’ symbolises people.

Little foot prints symbolise all the children.

The two hands represents an adult who gives support and services to the child.

This design looks like a DNA strand.

The heart symbolises health and a vision.